Book Chapters
Anand T. N. Kumar, “Tomographic fluorescence lifetime imaging, in “Fluorescence Lifetime Spectroscopy and Imaging: Principles and Applications in Biomedical Diagnostics, CRC Press; 1 edition (2014).
Anand T. N. Kumar “Fluorescence Lifetime-Based Optical Molecular Imaging,” in Molecular Imaging Methods and Protocols Series: Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 680 Shah, Khalid (Ed.) Humana Press (2011).
Journal Articles*
R Pal, M Krishnamoorthy, A Matsui, H Kang, S Morita, H Taniguchi, T Kobayashi, A Morita,, Hak Soo Choi, Dan G. Duda and Anand T.N. Kumar, “Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Enables In vivo Quantification of PD-L1 Expression and Inter-tumoral Heterogeneity,” Cancer research (accepted 11/2024).
Suresh Gupta, Rahul Pal, Eric J. Schmidt, Murali Krishnamoorthy, Anita Leporati, Anand T.N. Kumar, Alexei Bogdanov Jr., “Miniaturized Fab’ imaging probe derived from a clinical antibody: characterization and imaging in CRISPRi-attenuated mammary tumor models,” iScience, 110102, (2024).
Erhan Okay, Marcos R. Gonzalez, Joseph O. Werenski, Alisha Sodhi, Korhan Ozkan, Marcus Brookes, Maniram Ragbir, Kenneth Rankin, Anand TN. Kumar, Santiago A. Lozano-Calderon, “What is the diagnostic accuracy of fluorescence-guided surgery for margin assessment in appendicular bone and soft tissue tumors? – A systematic review of clinical studies,” Surgical Oncology, Volume 52, 102030, (2024).
Rahul Pal, Thinzar M. Lwin, Murali Krishnamoorthy, Hannah R. Collins, Corey D. Chan, Andrey Prilutskiy, MacLean P. Nasrallah, Tom H. Dijkhuis, Shriya Shukla, Amy L. Kendall, Michael S. Marshall, Stefan A. Carp, Yin P. Hung, Angela R. Shih, Maria Martinez-Lage, Lawrence Zukerberg, Peter M. Sadow, William C. Faquin, Brian V. Nahed, Allen L. Feng, Kevin S. Emerick, J Sven D Mieog, Alexander L. Vahrmeijer, Karthik Rajasekaran, John Y. K. Lee, Kenneth S. Rankin, Santiago Lozano-Calderon, Mark A. Varvares, Kenneth K. Tanabe, and Anand T. N. Kumar, “Fluorescence lifetime of injected indocyanine green as a universal marker of solid tumors in patients,”, Nat. Biomed. Eng., DOI:10.1038/s41551-023-01105-2 (2023)
Steven S. Hou, Joyce Yang, Jeong Heon Lee, Yeseo Kwon, Maria Calvo-Rodriguez, Kai Bao, Sung Ahn, Satoshi Kashiwagi, Anand T. N. Kumar, Brian J Bacskai, Hak Soo Choi, “Near-infrared fluorescence lifetime imaging of amyloid-β aggregates and tau fibrils through the intact skull of mice,” Nat. Biomed. Eng.,DOI:10.1038/s41551-023-01003-7 (2023).
Patrick Bou-Samra, Najib Muhammad, Austin Chang, Ritesh Karsalia, Feredun Azari, Gregory Kennedy, Walter Stummer, Janos Tanyi, Linda Martin, Alexander Vahrmeijer, Barbara Smith, Eben Rosenthal, Patrick Wagner, David Rice, Amy Lee, Abdelhafeez Abdelhafeez, Marcus M. Malek, Gary Kohanbash, Wilson Barry Edwards, Eric Henderson, Jane Skjøth-Rasmussen, Ryan Orosco, Summer Gibbs, Richard W. Farnam, Lalitha Shankar, Baran Sumer, Anand T. N. Kumar, Laura Marcu, Lei Li, Victor Greuv, Edward J. Delikatny, John Y. K. Lee, Sunil Singhal, “Intraoperative molecular imaging: 3rd biennial clinical trials update,” J. Biomed. Opt. 28(5), 050901 (2023), doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.28.5.050901.
H. H. Chen, Z Khatun, L Wei, C Mekkaoui, D. A. Patel, A Boukhalfa, E Enoma, L Meng, Y. I. Chen, L Kaikkonen, A. T. N. Kumar, R. M. Blanton, H. Yuan, S Das, L Josephson, D. E. Sosnovik, “A nanoparticle probe for the imaging of autophagic flux in live mice via magnetic resonance and near-infrared fluorescence,” Nat. Biom. Eng. (2022).
Rahul Pal, Marisa Hom, Nynke S. van den Berg, Thinzar M Lwin, Yu-Jin Lee, Andrey Prilutskiy, William C. Faquin, Eric Yang, Srinivas Vinod Saladi, Mark A. Varvares, Eben L Rosenthal, Anand T. N. Kumar, “First clinical results of fluorescence lifetime-enhanced tumor imaging using receptor targeted fluorescent probes,” Clinical Cancer Res. 28 (11): 2373–2384 (2022). Selected for the Issue Cover and CCR Highlights.
Rahul Pal and Anand T. N. Kumar, “Comparison of fluorescence lifetime and multispectral imaging for quantitative multiplexing in biological tissue,” Biomed. Opt. Express, 13, 3854 – 3868 (2022). Selected for Editor’s Pick.
Han, H.H., Kang, H., Kim, S.J., Pal, R., Kumar, A.T.N, Choi, H.S. and Hahn, S.K., “Fluorescent nanodiamond–hyaluronate conjugates for target-specific molecular imaging,” RSC advances, 11(37), pp.23073-23081 (2021).
Shane Plunkett, Mirna El Khatib, İkbal Şencan, Jason E. Porter, Anand T. N. Kumar, Joshua E. Collins, Sava Sakadžić and Sergei A. Vinogradov,” In vivo deep-tissue microscopy with UCNP/Janus-dendrimers as imaging probes: resolution at depth and feasibility of ratiometric sensing,” Nanoscale, 12 2657 (2020).
Anand T. N. Kumar, “Propagation of time-resolved fluorescence in a diffuse medium: complex analytical derivation,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 37, 859-864 (2020).
Rahul Pal, Homan Kang, Hak Soo Choi and Anand T. N. Kumar, “Fluorescence lifetime-based tumor contrast enhancement using an EGFR antibody labelled near infrared fluorophore,” Clin Cancer Res October 14 2019 DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-19-1686.
Steven S. Hou, Brian J. Bacskai and Anand T. N. Kumar, “The Resolution Matrix in Tomographic Multiplexing: Optimization of Inter-parameter Cross-talk, Relative Quantitation and Localization,” IEEE-Trans. Biom. Eng., 66 (8): 2341-2351 (2019).
Anand T. N. Kumar, Steven S. Hou and William L. Rice, “Tomographic fluorescence lifetime multiplexing in the spatial frequency domain,” Optica 5(5), 624-627 (2018).
Tsukasa Funane, Steven S. Hou, Katarzyna Marta, Zoltowska, Susanne J. Van Veluw, Oksana Berezovska, Anand T. N. Kumar, Brian J. Bacskai, “Selective plane illumination microscopy (SPIM) with time-domain fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) for volumetric measurement of cleared mouse brain sample” Rev. Sci. Instr., 89(5), 053705 (2018).
Anand T. N. Kumar and Steven S. Hou, “Tomographic phosphorescence lifetime multiplexing,” Optics Letters, Vol. 43, No. 13, pp. 3104-3107 (2018).
Anand T. N. Kumar, Stefan A. Carp, Jing Yang, Alana Ross, Zdravka Medarova, Chongzhao Ran, “Fluorescence lifetime-based contrast enhancement of indocyanine green-labeled tumors,” J. Biomed. Opt. 22(4), 040501 (2017). Copyright (2017) Society of Photo Optical Instrumentation Engineers.
Valeriy Metelev, Surong Zhang, Shaokuan Zheng, Anand T.N. Kumar, Alexei Bogdanov Jr., “Fluorocarbons Enhance Intracellular Delivery of Short STAT3-sensors and Enable Specific Imaging,” Theranostics; 7(13):3354 – 3368 (2017).
Howard H. Chen, Hushan Yuan, Hoonsung Cho, Yan Feng, Soeun Ngoy, Anand T. N. Kumar, Ronglih Liao, Wei Chao, Lee Josephson, David E. Sosnovik, “Theranostic Nucleic Acid Binding Nanoprobe Exerts Anti-inflammatory and Cytoprotective Effects in Ischemic Injury,” Theranostics; 7(4):814-825 (2017).
Steven S Hou, Brian J. Bacskai and Anand T. N. Kumar, “Comparison of tomographic fluorescence spectral and lifetime multiplexing,” Optics Letters, Vol. 41, Iss 23, pp. 5575-5575 (2016).
Anand T. N. Kumar, William L. Rice, Jessica C. Lopez, Suresh Gupta, Craig J Goergen and Alexei A. Bogdanov, “Substrate-based near-infrared imaging sensors enable fluorescence lifetime contrast via built-in dynamic fluorescence quenching elements,” ACS Sensors, Vol. 1 (4), pp 427–436 (2016).
Steven S Hou, Brian J. Bacskai and Anand T. N. Kumar, “Optimal estimator for tomographic fluorescence lifetime multiplexing,” Optics Letters, Vol. 41, Iss 7, pp. 1352-1355 (2016).
William L. Rice, Daria Shcherbakova, Vladislav Verkhusha and Anand T. N. Kumar, “In vivo tomographic imaging of deep seated cancer using fluorescence lifetime contrast,” Cancer Research, Vol. 75 (7), pp 1236-43 (2015).
William L. Rice and Anand T. N. Kumar, “Preclinical whole body time domain fluorescence lifetime multiplexing of fluorescent proteins,” J. Biomed. Opt. 19 (4), 046004; doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.19.4.046004 (2014).
Steven S. Hou, William L. Rice, Brian J. Bacskai and Anand T. N. Kumar, “Tomographic Lifetime Imaging using Combined Early and Late Arriving Photons,” Optics Letters, Vol. 39, Iss 5, pp. 1165-1168 (2014).
V. Metelev, S. Zhang, D. Tabatadze, A. T. N. Kumar and A.A.. Bogdanov, “The three-dimensional context of a double helix determines the fluorescence of the internucleoside-tethered pair of fluorophores,” Mol. BioSyst., 213, 447 (2013).
Craig J. Goergen, Howard H. Chen, Alexei Bogdanov, Jr., David E. Sosnovik, and Anand T. N. Kumar “In vivo fluorescence lifetime detection of an activatable probe in infarcted myocardium ,” J. Biomed. Opt. 17, 056001 (2012).
Guo Y, Yuan H, Rice W.L., Kumar A.T.N, Goergen C.J., Jokivarsi K, and Lee Josephson “The PEG-Fluorochrome Shielding Approach for Targeted Probe Design,” J. Am Chem. Soc., Vol. 134, Iss. 47, pp. 19338-19341 (2012).
Anand T. N. Kumar, ” Direct Monte-Carlo computation of time-resolved fluorescence in heterogeneous turbid media,” Optics Letters, Vol. 37, Iss. 22, pp. 4783-4785 (2012).
Scott B. Raymond, David A. Boas, Brian J. Bacskai and Anand T. N. Kumar “Lifetime-based tomographic multiplexing,” J. Biom. Opt., 15, 046011 (2010).
Scott B. Raymond, Anand T. N. Kumar, David A. Boas, and Brian J. Bacskai “Optimal parameters for near infrared fluorescence imaging of amyloid plaques in Alzheimer’s disease mouse models,” Phys. Med. Bio. 54, 6201 (2009).
Anand T. N. Kumar, Euiheon Chung, Scott B. Raymond, Jeroen Van de Water, Khalid Shah, Dai Fukumura, Rakesh K Jain, Brian J. Bacskai and David A. Boas, “Feasibility of in-vivo imaging of fluorescent proteins using lifetime contrast,” Opt. Lett. 34, 2067 (2009).
Anand T. N. Kumar, Scott B. Raymond, Andrew K. Dunn, Brian J. Bacskai and David A. Boas, “A Time Domain Fluorescence Tomography System for Small Animal Imaging,” IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., 27, 1152-1163 (2008).
Anand T. N. Kumar, Scott B. Raymond, Brian J. Bacskai and David A. Boas, “Comparison of Frequency Domain and Time Domain Fluorescence Lifetime Tomography,”Opt. Lett. 33, 470 (2008).
Jones PB, Rozkalne A, Meyer-Luehmann M, Spires-Jones TL,Makarova A, Kumar A.T.N., Berezovska O, Bacskai BJ, Hyman BT, “Two post-processing techniques for the elimination of background autofluorescence for FLIM,”J. of Biom. Opt., 13(1) 014008 (2008).
Anand T.N. Kumar, Scott B. Raymond, Gregory Boverman, David A. Boas and Brian J. Bacskai,“Time resolved fluorescence tomography based on lifetime contrast,” Opt. Express 14 12255 (2006). LaTeX version
Phill B. Jones, Lauren Herl, Oksana Berezovska, Anand T.N. Kumar, Brian J. Bacskai and Bradley T. Hyman, “A time domain fluorescent plate reader for cell based protein-protein interaction and protein conformation assays,” J. Biom. Opt. 11, 054024 (2006).
Anand T. N. Kumar, Jesse Skoch, Brian J Bacskai, David A Boas and Andrew K. Dunn, “Fluorescence Lifetime based tomography for turbid Media,” Opt. Lett. 30, 3347 (2005).
Femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy
Ye XO, Demidov A, Rosca F, Wang W, Kumar A, Ionascu D, Zhu LY, Barrick D, Wharton D, Champion PM, “Investigations of heme protein absorption line shapes, vibrational relaxation, and resonance Raman scattering on ultrafast time scales,” J. Phys. Chem A, 107, 8156 (2003).
Florin Rosca, Anand. T. N. Kumar, D. Ionascu, X. Ye, A. A. Demidov, T. Sjodin, D. Wharton, D. Barrick, S. G. Sligar, T. Yonetani and P. M. Champion, “Investigations of Anharmonic Low Frequency Oscillations in Heme Proteins,” J. Phys. Chem. A, 106, 3540 (2002).
Florin Rosca, Anand. T. N. Kumar, D. Ionascu, X. Ye, A. A. Demidov, T. Sjodin, D. Wharton, D. Barrick, and P. M. Champion, “Low frequency modes in heme proteins,” B Chem Soc Jpn, 75, 1093 (2002).
Anand T. N. Kumar, Florin Rosca, Allan Widom and Paul M. Champion, “Investigations of Amplitude and Phase excitation profiles in Femtosecond Coherence Spectroscopy,” J. Chem. Phys, 114, 701 (2001).
Anand T. N. Kumar, Florin Rosca, Allan Widom and Paul M. Champion, “Investigations of the ultrafast nuclear response induced by resonant and non-resonant laser pulses,” J. Chem. Phys, 114, 6795 (2001).
Anand T. N. Kumar, Leyun Zhu, James F. Christian, Andrey A. Demidov and Paul M. Champion, “On the rate distribution analysis of kinetic data using the maximum entropy method: Applications to myoglobin relaxation on the nanosecond and femtosecond timescales,” J. Phys. Chem. B, 105, 7847 (2001)
Florin Rosca, D. Ionascu, Anand T. N. Kumar, T. Sjodin, A. A. Demidov and Paul M. Champion, “Femtosecond coherence spectroscopy using spectrally selective differential photodetection,” Chem. Phys. Lett. 337, 107 (2001).
Florin Rosca, Anand T. N. Kumar, Dan Ionascu, A. A. Demidov and P.M. Champion, “Wavelength selective modulation in femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy and its applilcation to heme proteins,” J. Chem. Phys. 114, 10884 (2001).
A. A. Demidov, X. Ye, F. Rosca, A. T. N. Kumar, Wang W, Zhu LY, P. M. Champion, “Investigations of ultrafast kinetics and dynamic absorption in heme- proteins,” Biophys. J. 80(1), 1165 Part 2, (2001).
Florin Rosca, Anand T. N. Kumar, X. Ye, T. Sjodin, A. A. Demidov and P. M. Champion, “Investigations of coherent vibrational oscillations in Myoglobin,” J. Phys. Chem. A, 104, 4280 (2000).
Christian JF, Unno M, Kumar ATN, Macdonald IDG, Benson DE, Sligar SG, Champion PM, “Investigation of putidaredoxin binding effects in oxy-P450cam using resonance Raman spectroscopy,” BIOPHYS. J. 74 (2): A133-A133 Part 2, (1998).
Optical coherence theory
A. J. Devaney, A. T. Friberg, A. T. N. Kumar and Emil Wolf, “Decrease of spatial coherence of light propagating in free space,” Optics Letters 22, 1672 (1997).
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